The lime green theme looks tempting and fresh and the grey-ish&white theme for living hall looks more relaxing and cool. Hmm.. think i'd preffer the is not easy to decide when money is the biggest issue :( i wish they grows on tree on my backyard We need to decorate our living room before raya and play with our creativity to make it more interesting coz at the mo' we can't afford to hire any contractors. Wish us luck!! Mata dan hati sudah bernanah lagi berdarah bila tgk keadaan sekarang ni..
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
have you watched this movie?? no?? you should!! i watched this yesterday night sebab bosan tv asyik bola dan bola. FYI am not a fan of football tho' :).
i walk more like a penguin with a very small step.
no i dont have any sleepless nite, but everytime i try to change my sleeping position my pelvic area sakit gileeee rasa nak menangis dan menjerit. This only occur during my lay time.
last 2 weeks had my "air gula" gilaaa tak sedap..lepas tu terus ting tong sekejap.
The result will be out this week lets pray am not a diabetic.
I can't sit for a longer time it'll be hard for me to stand properly for a few seconds.
Rasa diri ini sangat selekeh, memang scary bila tengok muka sendiri dekat cermin.
My husband's t- shirt among my fav tops right now. Besar dan berangin :D (imagine how big i am)
Selera makan menakutkan T_T
Nama baby sudah ada. :D
baby stuff completed already . barang ibu nye je tak cukup lagi takde ke org nak sponsor???
i think i gain almost 20kg. PENGSAN!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
kadang-kadang tak tahu nak mengharap dengan siapa lagi, macam tak di ambil peduli dan tak kisah. bagi dia...