Tuesday, December 02, 2008

This morning when i checked out my emails i found a link sending by a well known photographer in Malaysia - Ted Adnan (i did linked to his latest news)so, when i clicked to the linked given i was so mesmerised with the person in the pictures, it was photos from our Malaysia's Rock Legend Amy Search - her daughter Nabila huda on her recent wedding ceremony .

I admit, she looks so stunning and beautiful with the tudung on her akad nikah and khatam Quran. I never found her pictures so "lembut" and her expression are so genuine. Selalunya gambar dia sure seksi bangat dan agak tergediks sedikit. Among artistes that i found betul2 cantik bila bertudung on the akad nikah itself..adelah Siti Nurhaliza (sorry i don't fancy her)..yang lain2 agak kureng.. still, i respect them for their good intentions.

1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very fine......